0117 9717547

Supporting you through challenging times

2020 may have presented a huge amount of challenges for the membership sector, but through it all, we want you to feel confident that you are getting everything you need from your business technology, digital platforms and from our team.

How We can help you?

The membership landscape has been transformed in the blink of an eye, with events cancelled, new remote workforces and disrupted strategies; but with all of this change, what should you prioritise to ensure your members remain engaged, revenue is rescued and your organisation continues to thrive?

Introducing Our COVID Rethink Digital Service

As experts in membership and charity, we have years of experience in delivering innovative solutions that solve core membership problems. This is about so much more than defining technical solutions, with our team’s extensive experience in shaping strategies, enhancing member experiences and driving efficiency gains. During these challenging times, our Rethink Digital  service aims provide your organisation with some valuable external perspective, to help you rethink and redefine your strategy across a range of business areas.




Understanding Digital Member Values

Until this year, membership organisations have always flourished from being able to provide a blend of online and in-person experiences to deliver value to their multi-generational membership audience.

In 2020, whilst the demand for greater choice, diversity and personalisation in member services continues, the shock arrival of COVID19 has forced membership into a virtual world. With lockdowns, cancelled events and a reliance on digital channels, how can you continue to deliver value to all members?

Developing your Digital Proposition

Data, tracking, automation and primary research will all form an essential part of our toolkit for helping you deliver greater digital value. We will work with you to gain a deep understand of how your members are using your channels and provide strategic recommendations to guide you on your next steps.


Reviewing Digital Revenue and Payments

Revenue generation remains at the core of every membership strategy, with membership renewals, annual conferences and training typically fulfilling a large proportion of membership annual financials.

In 2020, not only have significant revenue centres such as events and face-to-face training ceased to exist, but a reliance on annual renewal cycles has created significant additional risks, with huge pressure to showcase member values and bring in capital at a time of uncertainty.

Evaluating Revenue Generation and Cashflows

Improving payment efficiency is a fundamental for maximising revenues. There are numerous approaches that can transform the member renewal process including payment automations, direct debit and a transition to monthly subscription models. We will conduct an audit to help you build a case for transforming your renewals and improving payment processing.


The Case for Incentives and Discounts  

With financial crisis and in times of uncertainty, membership organisations need to be able to reaffirm member benefits and showcase value in order to achieve renewal targets. Members are naturally more cautious of spending, are looking at ways to make cut-backs and may even question the value of membership at this time.

Incentivising renewals or offering substantial discounts may be the only way to maintain membership numbers at this challenging time. Whilst this may have a substantial impact on short-term revenue, the cost of such initiatives and discounts is likely to amount to much less than losing large volumes of members all- together.

Developing Incentives and Discounts

Our teams will help you model and evaluate risks associated with proposed incentives and discounts. The aim is to help you understand the longer term consequences and outcomes and to define the best strategy for the long-term success of the organisation.

The transition to online services

We have come to accept that the impact of COVID will continue into 2021, and whilst we are all looking forward to going back to some form of normality, it is very apparent that aspects of membership experiences are going to be transformed forever.

In a recent survey, membership CEO’s highlighted that although digital would never replace face-to-face events totally, they would continue to play a more significant role in future years, with programmes of events and training, moving to a more blended mix of real-world vs virtual.

Online services for the future

The uncertainty of COVID, meant rapid response and quick adaption to find solutions and attempt to rescue revenue.  Whether it was for online conferences, webinars, networking or video calls, many were moving into the unknown and suddenly relying on systems they had never used before with varying levels of success.

Now settling into a new form of normal, we want to help you fine-tune, define systems and build your online services for the long-term. We have tried and tested many of the best systems and tools available and are here to help you find fit for purpose solutions that can build member engagement and generate revenue.

Strategic success Getting Started

What to expect and how to get started with our Digital Rethink service?


1. Simply complete the form below with as much detail about your requirement and where you are in your journey. 

2. The most appropriate member of the Wattle will get in contact for an initial consultation. 

3. We will work with you to provide advice, conduct audits and make strategic recommendations.

4. We can then work with you to define how this proposed work could fit with existing development roadmaps.

It's time to join Covid Digital Rethink